I’m a big fan of illustrated elements in web design, particularly those that use vector cartoons or characters. A popular trend I’ve noticed is the use of illustrated landscapes, used as part of the website header or built into the complete website design. These often depict grassy fields, blue skies and water, but read on to see a roundup of some fantastic landscape illustrations from various website designs.

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  1. This is a great collection of really beautiful illustration. Meomi has been a favourite of mine for some time, but I definitely love the grass & sky landscapes.

  2. Thanks for mentioning our site. This is a great list you’ve put together with quite a few I haven’t seen before.

    To be honest, we struggled a bit with the idea just because it is such a prominent and growing trend (no one wants to look just like all the other kids). In the end, we decided we liked our skyline concept so much that we really wanted to do it anyway.

    What’s great about the list you have is that, while all using a common vector-landscape base, they’re all -very- unique. The execution on each is superb and they all stand out beautifully on their own.

  3. Thanks for the comments, to those that were featured – it’s a pleasure, congrats for creating a unique and inspiring design!

  4. All these examples are great but I don’t find big corporations deploying an illustrated header. I think illustrated artwork in websites makes one believe that the person is not serious and that is why the big corporations don’t use it. Just my thought though.

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